How to get a Finnish IP address
The easiest way to improve your digital privacy is to switch your IP address using a VPN. We’ll …
With over one billion people connected to Facebook, we have to assume that some of them are criminals. (Criminals are people with friends too!) But the criminals we need to be concerned about are the ones who create all kinds of scams designed to do everything from getting you to open your wallets to clicking on links so you can enter our personal information that lets them infect your devices.
Here’s some insight as to what they may do to get access to you and your Facebook account:
Emails coming into your inbox right now may in fact be coming from Facebook because by default, you allow that contact in your notifications settings. The problem is that at any time, scammers can duplicate these same emails and you may never know what’s real and what’s fake.
Criminals know how to get your attention to entice you to click on links. They write copy that is supposed to elicit emotional responses that send you deep into their rabbit hole.
This status update is a perfect example of someone who is now infected because the user probably clicked on this and is now sharing it with everyone else, just like a virus. Everything about this screams CLICK ME!
Wireless hacks: Whenever using a free WiFi connection, there is always the possibility your device, its data and your accounts can be compromised. Free WiFi is inherently not secure; it has no encryption, and your data is right there for criminals to sniff.
Robert Siciliano on Google+